
Hi, I'm writing from the Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok. I'm actually heading to Cambodia in a few minutes!

I am still jet lagged but I have been traveling nonstop and staying healthy (drinking plenty of water). Internet is so sporadic. I am convinced I should just stay in the airport at some point just for the free wireless..

Bangkok has been absolutely nuts but very fun.

Everyone thinks I am Japanese here, even other Japanese tourists. One Japanese lady started a small talk with me and I had to gather up all my Japanese small talk faking skills. I think I passed.

Bangkok is hot. The food is delicious even though I have no idea what I am ordering most of the time. So much has happened already I have no idea where to start but I have to say, the sight of pot-bellied balding white men with young Thai girls doesn't even faze me anymore. But the idea of guys following me around still makes me feel uneasy. A bunch of guys showed me their perfect abs the other night because they wanted me to take them home with me? And told me that it was maybe free. More about that later when my laptop isn't running out of battery. I bought some beautiful vintage post cards yesterday and I am excited to send some postcards. I learned the numbers in Thai (I keep forgetting some) but now I can bargain better.

I can't seem to pronounce anything in Khmer so I am slightly concerned but not really worried. I'm not worried about anything, really.

I have a ton of photos I also have no idea how to share that here. Blogging is hard when you have no reliable internet service!

But it makes me so happy to keep in touch with people back home. I love you guys so much and I'm excited about 804th of July celebrations and beyond!


Claire said...

i hope one of the perfect abs boys took this photo of you and ronald!!!

Anonymous said...

im lovin' it!