
Becoming a Thai Celebrity and Wedding Stories

I guess I didn't mention this but I am a T.V. star! Well, not really a star but I was/am (not sure) on Thai television! I'm proud to say that my name on Thai television's history will forever be associated with...DINOSAURS.

E-TV came and filmed some of my school's Tourism Club students around the Dinosaur museum and fossil sites. And I was invited along to see the sites and participate (pretend to be a tourist...it was an easy task). I got to meet all the staff at the museum and we ate somtam and padthai together. Thanks to P Wan's interpretation, I told them witty stories about Korean food (some of the museum staff were big Korean culture fans). What would I do without P Wan?

Climbing all the hills and mountains to see the fossil sites was exhausting but the students were working so hard with smiles on their faces. I really like the Tourism Club students. I taught them about firm handshakes and small talk the other day.

1 comment:

Claire said...

the tourism club members will now be equipped to make great business deals and climb the corporate ladder! hehe, firm handshakes and small talk RAWK.